Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So what do you think?

Look through the projects that have been added to our Students Helping Students web site. Select two that you really like and submit two seperate posts, one for each selection. Please make sure to be specific about what you liked about the project you chosen. Student's should clearly understand what it is you like about their project or what you think would have made their project stronger. Please remember to be kind as your comments will be read by the author and anyone who happens to this site.

Ms. Leckman

Three more days to go! ;-)

Students Helping Students

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Research Project

Today you will be looking for a topic for your final project and begin gathering information to construct your lesson. Use the link below to determine the topic of you choice. Make sure to approve it with me before you begin researching the topic. Here is a link to our book so you can see all of the topics we have covered.

You may also use the blog to request students create lessons that you may be struggling with. Someone else has a pulse on what you need to know ask them to think about using it for their topic. :-)


See me for any help in determining or researching your topic. I will be providing a rubric and a checklist of needed items for you Monday.

Ms. Leckman

Friday, February 13, 2009


Firstly, Do not forget to work on your wiki, I will be grading your major and minor edits this weekend.

To earn credit today you need to go and find three website that have Valentines day mathematics for 7th or 8th grade students. You will post the websites to the blog along with your initials. Select one problem from one of your sites and tell us what kind of mathematics it is and why you think it is a really good Valentine's math problem! Because it is cool or easy is not a valid reason! ;-)

Ms. L.