Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 5th Practice and Play

Today you will take a quick quiz in Achievement Series. And then you will have a chance to relax and play a bit.

To take the quiz go to:

You have been assigned an assessment randomly. You will need to try both codes of the fallowing codes to access the quiz.




Once you have taken the quiz, then proceed to the following page:

You will play with the coins. When you have played the game a couple of times. Come back to the blog and write up instructions for someone else so they understand how to pick the "bad coin."


Anonymous said...

The way that I picked the bad coin out of the pile was by first weighing half of the pile on the first weighing. I would put half on one side and the other half on the other side. Then if it was off I would guess if it were heavier or lighter. The coins on the side I chose I would weigh them on opposite sides to figure out which one was different and that would be the counterfeit coin. If it was the same weight then I would know to choose from the opposite pile that I eliminated earlier. I would just guess if I wanted to do it in 2 weighings.

Anonymous said...


If you do it with 8 or twelve coins you can find it in less than four weighs. Put half of the coins on each side. The side that is heavier can already put in the good pile. Than split that in half and the heavier side can be put in the good when you are down to the last 2 weigh them and the lighter coin is fake. if you do it right you can find in less than 4.

Anonymous said...


In order to pick the bad coin, my strategy was to first way 2 different coins, one on each scale, and then way another 2 coins, one on each scale. Usually, over those 2 weightings, I found the “bad coin,” whether it was lighter or heavier. If I didn’t find the coin and all were equal, I would one by one with the remaining coins place them on the “bad” coin judgement. If one coin didn’t work, I would try another, and another, and so on. Then, once you found the counterfeit coin, it would say that was correct, and that you had found it in only 2 guessings.

Anonymous said...


You test 2 coins first. If they are both balanced out just put one in the good pile because that means they are both normal. Then keep testing them until you get one being lighter or heavier and the one that you just put on is wrong. It is heavier if it made the other coin go down.

Anonymous said...

The way you find the counterfeit coin for 8 coins is by weighing three coins on one side and three different coins on the other side. Then if one side is heavier then on the side that is heavier there is a counterfeit coin because they should be equal. Then you take one coin off both sides then if it is still heavier then take one more off each side and if it is heavier then that is the counterfeit coin, if it is not the coin but the one you just took off. As you get more coins you would just add more coins on both sides of the scale.

Anonymous said...

You have to weigh the coins out evenly. If there is 8 then you divide into 4 on each side. then you weigh them. The side with the lightest is the one. Divide the lightest side into 2 pairs of twos on either side. Then pick the lightest from one side. Then if it's not the first one you picked then your ok.

Anonymous said...


You have to weigh 1 coin with another coin. You keep doing this with different coins until you have the answer. Then you put it on the BAD bar and they will say correct! If it asks light or heavy, it should be the new coin, so which ever way it goes, thats what it is.

Anonymous said...



As a beginner you would probably want to start with the 8 coins. Regardless there is a simple strategy is to find the lighter coin. To do this you must weigh the coins move the coins that are the same weight up and then you are left with 1 or 2, then you just try the few coins. 8,9,12 are all the same. Basically you can test some then win with a few weightings and a few tests.

Anonymous said...


First start with 1 coin and then test all the others , if one unbalances the scale test both of them in the bad pile

Anonymous said...


First you put 2 coins on the scale. If they both are balanced put them both in the good pile. You keep doing that until the scale gets unbalanced. After the scale is unbalanced you take away one and test it with another. If the scale is still unbalanced the one that you did not change is fake but if it is balanced the one you switched out is fake.

Anonymous said...


for 8 coins ok this is what you do you seperate them into two groups and then you find out wich ones lighter when you find out what groups lighter then you seperate thet group into two groups and you will have 2 coins and the one thats lighter has the fake coin then you guess.

for 9 you take one off and do exactly the same thing if one of them is lighter or hevier you split it and then the one that you think is right (you guess between light or heavy) seperate it again and guess wich one it is.

for 12 you seperate them and chose light or heavy again then just keep seperating them untill you have 2 left then guess between the one you think is right

Anonymous said...

weigh each cion but equal on each side of the scale and if it is it will say eather lighter or hevier or just both of them. So you can eather guess or take the one the is lighter on 8 and 9 and test with it on the challange and 12

Anonymous said...

A.E. ,
First thing you want to do is pick any coin that you want and set it on the right scale. After, get another coin and place it on the left scale. Press the "weigh coins" button. Now see the outcome and take off the coin on the left scale and place another coin on the left scale. Repeat this step until you see a difference in the coin's weight. When you see a difference, place the coin that had a different weight on the bad line.It will tell you if you are correct or not. Use this strategy for all the problems.

Anonymous said...

Coin problem

The coin problem is simple once you try it. All you have to do to find the bad coin is pick one coin and put it on the scale. Then you have to pick a coin and put it on the other side of the scale and click weigh coins. If the coins are even then you put the coin on the good pile. Once u find a good that isn’t even to the other coin then u pick the heavy coin and put it on the bad pile, and it will say if its correct or not , and if its correct then pick the 9 coins and then 12 coins once your done.


Anonymous said...

8 coin game

Pick up the pink coin and put it on one side of the scale, then pick up the purple coin and place it onto the other side and weigh them. They should be the same and that means that they are both real because there is only one bad coin. After that take the lime-green coin and keep the pink coin there since you know it is real. Weigh it the same way that you weighed the purple coin. They should also be the same weight so the purple coin is also real. Then take the dark-teal coin and weigh it with the pink coin since you know that the pink coin is real. They should not match so that means that the dark-teal coin is fake.

9 coin game

Pick up the pink coin and place it on one side of the scale, then pick up the super-lime-green coin and place it on the other side of the scale. They should be the same so the pink and super-lime-green coins are both real since there is only one bad coin. Then pick up the pale-blue coin and weigh it with the pink coin since you already know the pink coin is real. They should not be the same so the pale-blue must be fake because you know the pink coin is real.

12 coin game

Pick up the pink coin and place it on one side of the scale, then pick up the blue coin and place it onto the other side of the scale and then weigh them. They should weight the same weight so they are both real since there is only one bad coin. Leave the pink coin on one side then pick up the red coin and place it on the other side of the scale and weigh them. They should also be the same so the red coin is also real. Again, leave the pink coin, and pick up the super-lime-green coin and weigh it with the pink coin. They are not the same and the super-lime-green coin must be fake since you know the pink coin is real.

Anonymous said...

1. Put two coins on the scale
If they are even,
2. Take one of the coins off and put on a new one.
Continue to do this until one of the coins is not even.

Anonymous said...


The strategy I used to find the counterfeit coin on 8 was to divide the coins in half, then search through the lighter group to find the lightest coin. For 9 coins, I split the coins in half, just leaving one behind. Then, I weighed it and tried to find out which of the heavier group is the bad one by weighing it with one of the lighter group. I used the same strategy with twelve as I did with 8 and 9 coins.

Anonymous said...


1. Place one coin one each side of the scale.

2. press the weigh coins button.

3. If they are equal, take the coins off and put them on the good coin pile. Repeat steps 1-3 as many times you need until they are not equal. If they are not equal, put one coin on the bad coin plat form. If you are right, good job. If you are wrong, put the other coin on the bad coin platform.